Contact Us
Get in touch

In Our Church
Prayer Groups provides an opportunity to eat together at different local restaurants on the fourth Saturday of each month. This group is designed to deepen friendships in a social atmosphere as well as being an opportunity to invite friends. Contact Heather Twidale for more details.
Growth Groups Tuesday night once a month, 7:30pm. All men are encouraged to come along, bring your friends.
Men’s Group Conversational English for Adults. All Welcome! Monday 12:30 – 2:30pm (during school terms, subject to demand)
Social Groups Fun Food & Fellowship an opportunity to eat together at different local restaurants on the fourth Saturday of each month. This group is designed to deepen friendships in a social atmosphere as well as being an opportunity to invite friends.
Who Are we
To connect with our Community
To grow in spiritual maturity
To use our God-given abilities in ministry. To be a place of belonging
Administration Team
Manages things including
• legal,
• financial,
• property,
• union and
• general administration.
Mission Ministry Team
• Assess, encourage, resource and grow existing ministries
• Develop new ministry initiatives
• Maintain the mission focus of the church in the local community
• Community relations and promotion
• Connecting new Christians into the life of the church.
Care Team
Cares for people
• the hospitalised and sick,
• those in crisis or in acute or chronic need,
• those in disunity with the fellowship,
• those in spiritual danger and
• people new to the church
Vision Team
Guides and encourages the Church by developing and supporting the Guiding Principles of the Church. These include:
• Direction Principles – tell us where we are going, and include a concise mission statement [why we exist] and a handful of key components which have measurable goals.
• Boundary Principles – provide the limitations the Pastoral Team Leader must work within to achieve the Direction Principles.
The Vision Team shall ensure that the governance of the Church is healthy.
Get in touch
Thank you for viewing our website. Please get in contact if you need any more
information and help about our church and services.
Jervis Bay Baptist Church
1 St George Ave, Vincentia NSW 2540
(02) 4441 5100
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 9,
Vincentia, NSW 2540
Service Time: 9.30am to 11am
Contact us through this form!
Please let us know what you think about our website and if you need anymore information about our Church or services.
Jervis Bay Baptist Church

Stay Connected
COVID-19 :
Services live online
Sunday Morning Service: 9:30 am
We’d love you to join us on zoom: please contact Faye for the password.
We currently chat together from 9:20 am on Sunday, broadcast our regular service live, then chat again afterwards.
Sermon Recordings are on YouTube.

Who Are we
Administration Team
Manages things including
• legal,
• financial,
• property,
• union and
• general administration.
Care Team
Cares for people
• the hospitalised and sick,
• those in crisis or in acute or chronic need,
• those in disunity with the fellowship,
• those in spiritual danger and
• people new to the church
Brand Mission and Ministry Team
• Assess, encourage, resource and grow existing ministries
• Develop new ministry initiatives
• Maintain the mission focus of the church in the local community
• Community relations and promotion
• Connecting new Christians into the life of the church.
Stay Connected
COVID-19 :
Services live online
Sunday Morning Service: 9:30 am
We’d love you to join us on zoom: please contact Faye for the password.
We currently chat together from 9:20 am on Sunday, broadcast our regular service live, then chat again afterwards.
Sermon Recordings are on YouTube.